Book in brief – Trustworthy: How the Smartest Brands Beat Cynicism and Bridge the Trust Gap

Designers can empower people to make confident decisions. Empowerment goes beyond just basic functionality: we help people meet their needs and gain a sense...

How OWASP Helps You Secure Your Full-Stack Web Applications — Smashing Magazine

The OWASP vulnerabilities list is the perfect starting point for web developers looking to strengthen their security expertise. Let’s discover how these vulnerabilities materialize...

Form help

Long Form help I'm currently redesigning a multi-page data input application. One challenge I'm facing is incorporating a...

Top 6 Trends in Product Development You Need to Know

Product development has been a hit sauce for the last two years now. Not participating in this debate seems challenging when all that’s been...

How to ensure design changes get made when Engineering is overloaded | by Kai Wong | Jan, 2025

You don’t have to feel awful requesting design changes from a busy engineer"Yeah, I'll get around to those design changes when I can, but...

40+ Canva Fonts That Go Well Together (2024)

For your message to be properly communicated and to have aesthetic appeal, fonts are essential. Whether you’re looking for a bold sans serif font...

Hiatus…indefinitely – Boxes and Arrows

Updated January 30, 2023 – Amy Jiménez Márquez After much internal debate, I’m placing the publication on indefinite hiatus. It’s a difficult decision, and if...

Lesser Known Uses Of Better Known Attributes — Smashing Magazine

HTML attributes are like little instructions that we add to the markup of elements to make them do certain things or behave in certain...